If you follow us on any form of social media, you can't have missed the fact that something was going on a week ago. Something big. In fact, even though most of you only saw bits and pieces of it online (a reference to a certain belly button or the corner of a participant pass maybe), this was something that we'd been preparing behind the scenes for quite some time already. What was it then, you ask?
That something was ESN Finland's National Platform, and we had the honour of hosting this spring edition of the biannual event. This meant that about 80 ESNers, including local board members from almost all of the Finnish sections (we missed you, Lapland!), the National Board of ESN Finland, National Project Coordinators, an international guest from ESN Estonia, and representatives of our partners, such as Timetravels, came to Jyväskylä for three days. The purpose of the weekend was to network, to attend meetings and workshops, and to vote on important topics concerning the functions of the network; most importantly, to elect a new National Board.
The weekend started on Friday, when our guests arrived and checked in to hotel Alba throughout the day. In the afternoon, we all gathered at University of Jyväskylä's premises on Seminaarinmäki to open the meeting and to hear the welcoming words of JAMK University of Applied Sciences, presentations by Timetravels and Matis from ESN Estonia, and updates from National Coordinators and members of the National Board. The programme on Friday also included get-to-know-you games, the first round of workshops, National Board updates, pizza, and a section fair before heading to sauna at Opinkivi to relax and prepare for the next day.

The meeting ended on Sunday afternoon with one last round of workshops, feedback to the NB and the Organizing Committee, and finally, lunch. With stomachs full of yummy food from Tilia and hearts full of ESN love, the participants headed back to their cities.
ESN Jyväskylä and the Organizing Committee want to thank everyone for the great weekend: we hope that all of the participants returned home full of knowledge, motivation, and new ideas! We would also like to thank ESN Finland and our amazing sponsors who made all of this possible: JAMK University of Applied Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, the city of Jyväskylä, Sonaatti, Punnitse & Säästä, Antikvariaatti Suma, Kainiemen huvilat, and DanSukker!
Thank you for the good times, and see you next autumn in Helsinki!
For more photos of the event, see ESN Finland's Facebook page.
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